Monday, November 23, 2009

Let's finish this month of Paraphilia: 4 of the World's strangest fetishes


"I have splinters on my tongue."

What may a Greenpeace activist and a weirdo fetishist have in common? Their love for trees. While one has a desire to protect them, the other may have a desire to abuse them. I think, we should let animals be animals, let trees be trees. But apparentely not everybody shares my opinion.

The picture on the left shows an installation by artist Carol Hummer.

Chelsie, a fan of the Dendrophilia on Facebook, was curious and asked: “Does Dendrophilia only pertain to live trees? Or are dead ones good as well?” :-)


Tricophilia - an intense love for the brushing, shampooing, shaving and pulling of human hair.
This video describes the fetish in a very innocent and cheerful way. Wait to see the sponsor at the end...

Haircut fetishism is all over the net: the pleasure to watch women getting their hair shaved, leaving “a clean and sexy scalp”.

A noted haircut fetishist was the author Ernest Hemingway, who put haircut scenes in several of his books and stories, most notably "For Whom The Bell Tolls" which includes a detailed description of a forced head-shaving.
A few short-lived American hair-fetishist magazines, including "The Razor's Edge" and "The Bald Truth" were published in the latter part of the twentieth century.

Some men have have a paraphilia for hair, even if it’s not on a woman’s body. An Australian baggage courier was jailed in Melbourne for at least two years for collecting women’s hair from hairbrushes and underwair in delayed luggages.

Others may get excited by the sight of a really hairy woman, suffering from hirsutism. Some pornographic sites offer special “hairy” sections for lovers of furred cleavages.


The love for the big...

The definition of macrophilia is something like: Love or attraction for / to a giant or larger person. How the hell can somebody have a preference for a species that has long been extinct (together with poor elfs and dwarfs)?? In reality these people fantasy with big people, big breasts, big muscles, big hands or mouths or whatever. Some of them have fantasies with giants or even elephants! On a specialized website I found out that some of them love the big in any aspect of live: “When I think about an erection, I also think about building permits, environmental impact statements, site surveys, demolition and telephone poles, all located in my bedroom.
The world of macrophile is also a world of illustration art (series of sketches such as the “giant green kangaroo” ) and is sometimes connected to the furry movement (macrofurries).


Acrotomophilia refers to sexual interest in. It is a counterpart to apotemnophilia, the sexual interest in being an amputee.

This paraphilia was quite difficult to understand for me, at least at the beginning. It was also a challenge to find pictures and videos for this blog. Some of them look much more "dirty" than they are in reality, maybe due to the aspect of the stumps...
Nevertheless, some very beautiful pictures, such as this one, can be found.

It is supposed that amputee fetishists prefer leg amputations over arm amputations (of course: arms have hands and hands have their functions…), and amputations that leave a stump are the best. I guess it may remind them of dolls – we all have removed a leg, arm or the head of our favourite Barbie when we were children. Besides that, the stump of an amputated limp is the exciting part of the story, I heard. Eventually, I could find a very sensual video involving a (dressed, of course) one-legged woman.

This is the nice part of the story.
The terrific side of this paraphilia is that there are some people who are ready to get one of their body parts amputated (or worse, one of their partner’s body parts) – only for the sake of sexual pleasure. Psychiatrists would talk about these individuals as “suffering from body integrity disorder (B.I.I.D.). Of course, this is a serious problem for the surgeons involved.

No more paraphilias on this blog. See you next month for ODD CHRISTMAS!

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