Some people just don't know when to stop. Their problem is that they never run out of money. And the surgeons don't stop them. And they should.
Or poor Michael Jackson. Recently I saw one of his older videos: "Don't stop 'til you get enough". He was so charming, with a truly enchanting smile. He was nothing but a boy, just at the doorstep of real manhood - a maturity he never reached as a man. Instead, he did everything to turn into a gender that had been unknown to the World before.
By the way - have you ever noticed that his sisters Janet and La Toya probably chose the same type of nose when they got their rinoplastia?
I have to say that most of the people who choose the way of plastic surgery try to improve their physical appearance. But as energy can't be created nor destroyed (e=mc2), the patients more than often take the energy for the reshaping of flesh from a poor source of prime matter: their central computer (they turn kind of stupid,that's what I wanted to say).
But what is more incredible is that a friend of her, Tom Whitfield-Lynn, felt inspired by Cindy and decided to transform himself into Barbie's boyfriend Ken. In Ohio farming communities, everything is possible...
I try to imagine how she deals with certain situations of everyday life: putting her shoes on, entering an elevator, eating without seeing the food on her table etc. And there is the problem of the shifting of her center of gravity... I imagine her trying to pick up some coins she has lost, losing her balance, landing on her mega-boobs and bouncing away like a rubber-ball...
It is a challenge for the aesthetic surgeon to make good-looking people more handsome. But it is even more rewarding to "normalize" people who are isolated because of their ugly facial expression so that they may be reintegrated into a group of friends from which they may have already anxiously withdrawn. Children with Down's syndrome are frequently concealed from the public by their parents. The children suffer from two disadvantages: Their mental abilities are limited and they have ugly facial features. (statement of a surgeon)
I can completely understand the motivations of parents of children like the five-year-old British girl with Down syndrome, who has undergone three aesthetic procedures. The only thing they want to achieve is to make their and their daughter's live more bearable. Normally, the operations that are chosen for individuals with Down syndrome are the following:
- Shortening of the tongue to stop it from protruding and make the patient look less deficient
- Removal of folds of skin from eyelids to reduce the mongoloid appearance traditionally associated with Down syndrome
- Pinning back of ears to prevent them from sticking out
Talking about eyelid surgery: the most common surgery in Asian countries is the westernization of the eyes. Chinese, Japanese or Koreans complain about their sleepy and sick looking eyes and get them "opened" or "rounded", even at very tender ages (performed in children and ocasionally in newborns, specially if they have been adopted in a Western country). See some examples of eyelid surgery in this video.
Hispanics living in Europe or the US choose operations that make them look less indigenous or Latin (rinosplastia, cheekbones, eyelids) and lower their ethnic stigma.
Hope can also be given to transsexuals. Female facial proportions are completely different to male ones. The case of the woman in the video shows how many operations have to be programmed to achieve the desired result, which, in this case, is the feminization of a male's features.
See you next Monday with the last post of the "extreme bodies" series.
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