"The Church of Euthanasia is a non-profit educational foundation devoted to restoring balance between Humans and the remaining species on Earth. We believe this can only be accomplished by a massive voluntary population reduction, which will require a leap in Human consciousness to a new species awareness".
Reverend Chris Korda founded the CoE in 1992 and continues to lead it. Besides spreading the gospel of non-procreation and anti-humanism he also creates electronic music. He is a cross-gendered vegetarian.
AKA Dr. Jack Kevorkian is one of the Church's Saints. He has personally assisted more than 100 suicides. He is currently serving 10-25 years in prison.
From the point of view of a population ecologist they are completely right - if we consider mankind just another animal species, its population has just gotten out of control. In nature, a population is regulated by predators and limiting factors such as food or living space. Besides that, to guarantee the adaption of the species to environmental changes, defective genes should not be passed on to the next generation and the weakest and less functional elements of a clan are removed to make sure that the resources are optimized. That means: the stronger and more attractive an individual is, the bigger is its chance to procreate. Old and sick individuals are not supported and die. Weak offspring is often killed by predators or its progenitors to provide more food for the ones that have better chances to survive. The success of a an animal "society" can be calculated using formulae of population dynamics. The Nazis took some of these ideas and tried to optimize the "species" of the Aryan man. They played God and, instead of natural selection, it was them who chose the candidates to be removed or sterilized due to their inconvenient genes (specially the mentally retarded). In the photo, Chris Korda at Dachau crematorium. It's ethics that makes us human. That's why we can't apply the laws of biology to the human population. Same as some animal species have been tremendously successful due to an advantageous trait, leading to extinction a great number of weaker beings, human intelligence is what makes us escape from the limitations imposed by some of the laws of population ecology.
There are some exceptions. Some primitive tribes, such as certain Inuits in the 19ths and 20th act in a way that guarantees the survival of the clan under hostile conditions. If a hunter gets old and can't support himself anymore, his oldest son has to help him to commit suicide. If he doesn't have a son he has to be supported by the rest of the clan members, which is humiliating. Death before dishonor.
The thing about the Church of Euthanasia is that anybody is encouraged to do something for this tortured and overpopulated planet. There are several ways to collaborate (The Four Pillars):
And most important: DO NOT PROCREATE. This is kind of senseless. Yes indeed, if we all stopped to have children, the human population would decrease, but after at least 60 years, the only survivors would be elderly people. Do we want that? No we don't, but maybe the planet wants, is that the idea? Cleaning the planet like teenagers cleanse their oily skin? Of course the church encourages people to enjoy all kinds of "harmless" (to the planet) sexual practices and, of course, masturbation is a must.
So, I think suicide would definitively be more sustainable. Muslim kamikazes die for their cause, why don't we die for what should be the cause for all of us, our planet's welfare? Well because - life's kind of fun and besides that, who would go on with the church of euthanasia movement if it's leaders all disappeared? I guess that the suicide pillar is meant for the lower class of followers, not fore the ideologists. The church's official recommended method is helium (guide).
Cannibalism? Why? Don't worry, it's just about sustainability again. Of course, only the already dead should be used for human consumption. Same as other close animal species we should make the most of the available resources and should not waste precious biological material. That sounds quite sensible, no? The problem is that we definitively have been miseducated in that sense: we have been told that eating humans is just - the worst thing you can do. The biggest problem, I think, would be the supply. Of course we only want to consume healthy corpses. Or would you eat the flesh of a 95-year old who has died of cancer? Or AIDS? "Donate your corpse to science or for human consumption - forms available at all major hospitals." But who would get the meat and how much would it cost? And if it was sold, there would be consumers who like it a lot and mafias would start to control the supply... Anyway, just in case you're theoretically interested, read the Church's step-by-step guide on Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption.
The church's article on the pillar Sodomy is quite confusing: it deals with Urine therapy and its benefits. Is that sodomy??? "Rinse, gargle and swish with fresh uring... the flavor will become familiar after a while...to start pour a few ounces into your morning juice." If you visit the website, you will find out that some of the links such as "suicide" apparently don't work. Hidden behind 2nd and 3rd level links you can find some quite wicked stuff. If you download their video (not for minors), you will see. Check their family album, from which I have taken the photos for this blog post. Some of the church's campaigns are quite satirical and entertaining!
If you want to get more information about the topic, better visit the clearly structured website of sister organization The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement "Its basic concept is the belief that Gaia, the Earth, would be better off without humans and as such, humans should choose not to breed."
A very young American woman called Nadya Suleman, with a pretty face and lips full of Botox (I'm sure her idea was to look like Angelina Jolie), gave birth to eight babies on January 2009. All of them survived. Normally, most of the "members" of a set of octuplets or nonuplets do not survive for more than a few days or even die during birth. A week after birth, the Suleman set became the longest-living octuplets in known history. But the American society couldn't deal with the fact that Nadya was a single mother, without a stable employment and with already 6 children at home! There was no forgiveness for her. America hated her. In the media it was calculated how much her 14 children would cost her in the future and what amount of money she would receive from the government to support her children. The average US citizen was upset about the fact that he/she had to support this irresponsible girl's huge family with his/her taxes. For Nadya, what was most important, was that she'd be able to provide her litter with love, love and love.
In 2006, twin brothers Alexander and Nicholas Grunke were "arrested in Wisconsin, USA, after they tried to dig up a girls' corpse and have sex with it" (or her?).
Photo by Grant County Jail via AP
Nicholas had seen a photo of a girl of his age who had been killed in a motocycle crash. He got sexually excited by her beauty and by the fact that she was just there, in the cemetery, and still fresh and untouched by worms and other necro-bugs. What is funny about twins is that he had no problem at all to convince his twin brother (plus another friend) to immediately drive to the graveyard and start to dig the girl up for the purpose of having sex with her lifeless body. On the way, they stopped at Wal-Mart to buy condoms (can you understand now why there is a page called www.peopleofwalmart.com?). Lucky them, necrophilia is not illegal in Wisconsin. I'm sure the guys would have had a great time in jail after trying to rape fresh corpse... Read more about the case
It seems like in Bali, when twins of different gender (kembar buntijing) are born, they are forced to marry. Normally, incest isn't ok, but if destiny brings together a male and a female human being in one single womb - it's just a match made in heaven and has to be respected! The marriage brings prosperity. This only happens in high caste families. In the rest of society, the birth of mixed twins is considered a bad omen for the family, and the whole village becomes "unclean" from that moment on. It is blamed on the father who has to spend a lot of money (even selling his land or becoming a slave) to pay for a very expensive purification ceremony.
At "Weird America" I found this funny vintage-style video on the Poubelle Twins - two weird female wrestlers. A lot of twins have chosen to become successful in the world of entertainment.
In December 2005, a Romanian woman of 33 years, Maricica Tescu, pregnant with twins, gave birth to only one, premature baby. His twin brother preferred to stay in his cozy cave until two months later, already in 2006. This was possible because of a rare congenital condition: Maricica had two uteruses, and one baby in each.
Another story about one twin brother leading astray the other.... We have two 26-years-old very hot mulato twins. And they know how hot they are. As teenagers, they were quite different. One of them, Keyon, was effeminate, gay and looking for a career as a model. His brother Taleon was always in trouble and hadn't decided what to do in life. At the age of about 25, the gay one, Keyon, was offered a "role" in a gay porn movie. When the producer heard he had a twin brother, he wanted both of them. Incredible, but true: he convinced Taleon, who was not gay, to make porn together in a threesome with another man (with whom the poor hetero twin ended up having sex, while his brother was assisting). It was just for money. Just one job. They thought. But being handsome black identical twins opened them the doors to success in the porn industry. But they could be too easily recognized... Now it was Taleon's turn to convince Keyon to join his games. Taleon, who wasn't eager to end up being a gay porn star, but needed money urgently, planned to rob a business together with his brother. At the end, Taleon was caught and Keyon escaped, now trying to restart his modeling career. Two identical twins with different characters. Both have tasted a sample of their other half's life - temporarily. More
In November 2008, a woman in Ohio gave birth to her own, triplet, granddaughters. Her daughter Kim, married to her second husband, had already two children from her first marriage and couldn't carry a child anymore. As adoption was difficult, 56-years-old Jaci Dalenberg offered herself as surrogate mom. After the third try to transfer eggs, the grandmother got pregnant and managed to give birth to three premature female babies: a set of twins and a singleton. CBS News
The Siamese twins Abby & Brittany turn 20 this year. Normally we always get to see images of Siamese baby twins, but what happens in adolescence? How do they dress, what happens if they have a crush on someone at college? How do they coordinate their arms? What about passing an exam without cheating? This video was made when they turned 16.
Last year, 20 year-old Mia Washington gave birth to two twin boys in Dallas, Texas. When the boys were almost one year old, she realized that they looked very different. So she decided to get the paternity test. And - surprise, surprise - the twin boys have different fathers! How the hell is this possible??? To make this possible, Mia had to 1. Produce multiple eggs while ovulating 2. have (you know what I mean) first with one man (her partner) and then, within not more than 48 hours, with another one And the semen of both sexual partners had to fertilize one of Mia's eggs. Funny coincidence, but quite embarrassing for her...
This last video is the sad story of five girl born in 1934. At that time, the Dionne quintuplets. At this time, they were considered nothing but a kind of circus attraction and were exploited by the local authorities. Their image was used to promote a wide range of commercial products and until they were nine they weren't allowed to live with their parents.
Most of us are lucky. Most of us have "chosen" to be the gender that matches our bodies' sex. We are born as girls or as boys and feel as such. Pink or blue. But, due to physiological or psychological reasons, some are yellow. As there is grey between black and white, yellow can be found between the gender extremes painted in pink or blue.
Thomas Beatie, the "pregnant man" is one of the best examples. Just listen to the charming lady who interviews him at the beginning of the video. She clearly shows the intolerance of these people's environment. It's not just about being pregnant while living as a man. It's also about much simpler, everyday issues, such as a woman having to show an ID with a male name, or the last facial hair on the chin of a young transgender childminder...
How can we tell that somebody is a man or a woman? Some men can perfectly disguise as and behave as women and are still physically male, so how do we know? If we look at our chromosomes, a typical woman should have 2 X chromosomes and an average man an X and a Y chromosome. That means, that genetically, a standard woman has a so-called “46XX” karyotype and a standard man a 46XY karyotype. But gender is not only defined by chromosomes, but only by hormones and, as we will see later, by the brain.
An intersex condition is present if the karyotype is neither XX nor XY or if the chromosomes are normal male or female but the individual hasn't been exposed to the correct hormones during the fetal development, producing genitals belonging to the opposite sex or any kind of mixture of male and female characteristics. These latter would be called true hermaphrodites. Many people have an additional sex chromosome but still have a well defined gender. XYY men, for example, usually don't even know about their condition. It is said that these men are more violent and have stronger masculine traits than other, but there is no evidence.XXY males instead are almost always infertile and can have a range of learning and functional deficits. This is called the Klinefelter's Syndrome (in the photo) and does not occurr in all XXY males. Some of them may also turn out to be transgenders.
Normally, if a baby is diagnosed to be intersex, the big problem is to assign one of the two (accepted) genders. Nowadays, doctors are recommended that babies with ambiguous genitals should not be given "corrective" surgery (to turn a hermaphrodite into a man or woman) and should be left to decide their own gender during their childhood. However, most of the intersex people are raised as girls or boys from the very beginning on and also perfectly identify themselves as such.
In the case of Adele, the decision taken by the doctors and the parents was wrong. When she was born with ambiguous genitals, it was decided to turn her into a boy. The decision was maybe right from the physical point of view, but with time, it became evident that Adele felt as a girl. In the future, she would like to be able to choose an intersex gender, the third gender.
The person in the video is one of the few people that are real "in-betweens". If you look at her (the name is Kelly), she may look like a transgender man at first sight, but if you observe her gestures, you will realize that there's just both - female and male.
Some people are biologically male or female but feel belonging to the opposite sex almost from the very beginning on. They are called transgenders.
Sometimes, when intersex children are born, the more convenient of the two gender options is chosen (corrective surgery), and if the wrong decision is taken, the children have to live their lives as transgenders, trapped in a body of the wrong sex. It was long believed that gender identity is only a question of environment. If a child is raised as a girl, it will be a girl. The case shown in the video is quite dramatic: two twin babies undergo circumcision and one loses his penis due to an accident during the surgery. The doctors encourage the parents to raise the child as a girl...
Nowadays, there are medical protocols to diagnose the Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and to help children find the gender that fits them. Sometimes, the disorder becomes evident at an age as early as two years. Parents are encouraged not to force their children to live their biological gender if they don't feel so. Before puberty, many doctors choose the option of a hormonal treatment to delay the physiological changes that turn a child into an adult - an adult of the wrong gender. At the age o 16, if the patient hasn't changed his/her mind, female or male hormones can be prescribed. The last step is sex reassignment surgery, which in serious cases is financed by the public health system (in Europe).
It is often said that transgender children commonly turn homosexuals in adulthood. I consider this a completely false approach. If a child born as a boy but feeling as a girl grows up, it is just natural that she feels attracted to men. Because in my opinion, our gender identity is in our head, so a transgender boy cannot be considered gay at all, because at the end of the day, he's soul is female and he's done everything to turn his body female, too.
From the news: In March 2010, Italy will open the World's first jail for transgendered prisoners (read more) Transsexuals
Of course there are what we commonly know as crossdressers or transsexuals, most of them working in the entertainment sector. Most of them are not real transgenders. They have been (homosexual) boys / men during a great part of their life and feel attracted by dressing as a woman. Some of them would have preferred to be born as a girl, others not.
Thailand Talking about entertainment. One of the countries were transgenders are most accepted and integrated in society is Thailand. Recently, a school announced that from now on, it will offer toilets for transexuals. There is a complete industry to turn effeminate boys into kathoeys, or ladyboys. Even though the fate of most of them is to sell their body for money, some manage to gain fame as exotic dancers or beauty queens. Many families try to raise their boys as girls, as prostitution in Thailand is one of the most lucrative businesses. The video shows a collection of sexy Thai kathoeys. I just can't believe how beautiful and perfectly female some of them look. Some may consider them "improved women" - the delightful and stimulating appearance of a goddess combined with the right tool to satisfy the client's or partner's sexual needs. And a lot of them have natural breasts due to hormone intake since their puberty.
From the news: An English grandmother claims she was bound, beaten and robbed by a gang of ladyboys while on holiday in Thailand (read more)
Hi, I'm 31 years old and mother of a sweet baby girl. But don't worry this blog is NOT about maternity, relationships or gossip...only disturbing or fascinating matters find its way into my recently opened blog.
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