Reverend Chris Korda founded the CoE in 1992 and continues to lead it. Besides spreading the gospel of non-procreation and anti-humanism he also creates electronic music. He is a cross-gendered vegetarian.
AKA Dr. Jack Kevorkian is one of the Church's Saints. He has personally assisted more than 100 suicides. He is currently serving 10-25 years in prison.
A brief history of the Church of Euthanasia
From the point of view of a population ecologist they are completely right - if we consider mankind just another animal species, its population has just gotten out of control.
In nature, a population is regulated by predators and limiting factors such as food or living space. Besides that, to guarantee the adaption of the species to environmental changes, defective genes should not be passed on to the next generation and the weakest and less functional elements of a clan are removed to make sure that the resources are optimized. That means: the stronger and more attractive an individual is, the bigger is its chance to procreate. Old and sick individuals are not supported and die. Weak offspring is often killed by predators or its progenitors to provide more food for the ones that have better chances to survive.
The success of a an animal "society" can be calculated using formulae of population dynamics.
The Nazis took some of these ideas and tried to optimize the "species" of the Aryan man. They played God and, instead of natural selection, it was them who chose the candidates to be removed or sterilized due to their inconvenient genes (specially the mentally retarded).
In the photo, Chris Korda at Dachau crematorium.
It's ethics that makes us human. That's why we can't apply the laws of biology to the human population. Same as some animal species have been tremendously successful due to an advantageous trait, leading to extinction a great number of weaker beings, human intelligence is what makes us escape from the limitations imposed by some of the laws of population ecology.
There are some exceptions. Some primitive tribes, such as certain Inuits in the 19ths and 20th act in a way that guarantees the survival of the clan under hostile conditions. If a hunter gets old and can't support himself anymore, his oldest son has to help him to commit suicide. If he doesn't have a son he has to be supported by the rest of the clan members, which is humiliating. Death before dishonor.
The thing about the Church of Euthanasia is that anybody is encouraged to do something for this tortured and overpopulated planet. There are several ways to collaborate (The Four Pillars):
- Suicide
- Abortion
- Cannibalism
- Sodomy
Of course the church encourages people to enjoy all kinds of "harmless" (to the planet) sexual practices and, of course, masturbation is a must.
So, I think suicide would definitively be more sustainable. Muslim kamikazes die for their cause, why don't we die for what should be the cause for all of us, our planet's welfare? Well because - life's kind of fun and besides that, who would go on with the church of euthanasia movement if it's leaders all disappeared? I guess that the suicide pillar is meant for the lower class of followers, not fore the ideologists.
The church's official recommended method is helium (guide).
Cannibalism? Why? Don't worry, it's just about sustainability again. Of course, only the already dead should be used for human consumption. Same as other close animal species we should make the most of the available resources and should not waste precious biological material. That sounds quite sensible, no? The problem is that we definitively have been miseducated in that sense: we have been told that eating humans is just - the worst thing you can do.
The biggest problem, I think, would be the supply. Of course we only want to consume healthy corpses. Or would you eat the flesh of a 95-year old who has died of cancer? Or AIDS? "Donate your corpse to science or for human consumption - forms available at all major hospitals." But who would get the meat and how much would it cost? And if it was sold, there would be consumers who like it a lot and mafias would start to control the supply...
Anyway, just in case you're theoretically interested, read the Church's step-by-step guide on Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption.
The church's article on the pillar Sodomy is quite confusing: it deals with Urine therapy and its benefits. Is that sodomy??? "Rinse, gargle and swish with fresh uring... the flavor will become familiar after a start pour a few ounces into your morning juice."
If you visit the website, you will find out that some of the links such as "suicide" apparently don't work. Hidden behind 2nd and 3rd level links you can find some quite wicked stuff. If you download their video (not for minors), you will see.
Check their family album, from which I have taken the photos for this blog post. Some of the church's campaigns are quite satirical and entertaining!
If you want to get more information about the topic, better visit the clearly structured website of sister organization The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
"Its basic concept is the belief that Gaia, the Earth, would be better off without humans and as such, humans should choose not to breed."
Politician comes out in defense of cannibalism